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Planning for potential flood damage

Following the recent heatwave felt by most parts of the UK at the start of August, the UK has been issued multiple weather warnings of heavy rain by the Met Office. These yellow and red warnings are to make people aware of the possible disruption and damage heavy rainfall may cause to many businesses and individuals across the country. It is thought that the UK may experience more rainfall in one day, than we did for the entire month of July.

At Ravenhall Risk Solutions, we understand that flooding can have a devastating impact on your business and require huge, unexpected pay-outs to recover any losses. As your insurance partner, Ravenhall Risk Solutions are here to support and provide advice to ensure minimum disruption is caused during the expected storms.

As Chartered Independent Insurance Brokers, we recommend clients consider prevention measures, as these can be more controllable for your business than the aftermath. Therefore, we have listed several ways to prevent damage to your premises:


If you require any advice please contact us on 0345 216 3000, during our office being closed, please contact our out of office emergency number 07710 271929 or call your insurers directly following the advice in your policy schedule.