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Storm Frank – Advice for Policyholders

Hot on the heels of recent storms, parts of Northern England, Scotland and Northern Ireland are on high alert due to the expected winds and rain from Storm Frank, set to hit the UK on the 30th December.

Whilst our attention is on those that suffered property damage in the floods on boxing day, Ravenhall would like to reissue advice to clients all over the UK to ensure that you can do what you can to protect your properties from the high wind and rain, but also be prepared should the worst happen.

Please read our guidance below.

Preventing Storm or Flood Damage:

When faced with inevitable storm or flood conditions

Advice following storm or flood damage

If you require any advice please contact us on 0345 216 3000, during our office being closed, please contact our out of office emergency number 07710 271929 or call your insurers directly following the advice in your policy schedule.

Up to date weather warnings can be found at